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2024-04-05 12:16:16




Chen Entian and Hu Dehua inaugurate the Institute of Renaissance Research of Renmin University of China

欧中之声记者杜国勇 纳斯达克中文台1216广播 中国当地时间3月31日下午2点半,中国人民大学文艺复兴研究院在北京举行挂牌仪式,陈独秀曾孙陈恩田、胡耀邦之子胡德华为中国人民大学文艺复兴研究院揭牌并致辞,首都各界代表人士近百人到会祝贺。

Voice of Euro-China correspondent Du Guoyong, Nasdaq Chinese Channel 1216 Radio, Chinese local time on March 31, 2:30 p.m. the Institute of Renaissance Research of Renmin University of China held a ceremony in Beijing, Chen Entian, Chen Duxiu's great-grandson, Hu Dehua, Hu Yaobang's son, unveiled the Institute of Renaissance Research of Renmin University of China and delivered speeches, and nearly one hundred people from all walks of life in Beijing attended the ceremony.


The Institute of Renaissance Research of Renmin University of China is the only academic research platform specializing in the study of the Renaissance at a comprehensive university in China. Relying on the strengths of the humanities and social sciences of Renmin University of China, and through the integration of the resources of Renmin University of China in the disciplines of literature, history, philosophy, and the traditional Chinese culture, and by joining hands with a team of international scholars and experts, it will focus on the history, religion, and philosophy of the Renaissance in the East and the West, and on the categories of the arts (music, painting, sculpture, architecture and film) as the scope of its research, focusing on aesthetics, history, traditional Chinese culture, art, archaeology, restoration of cross-border integration of research, its vision is to build a community with a shared future for human cultural through the "Oriental Renaissance".


Chen Entian said in his speech: I and the former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Ji Chaozhu founded the World Peace Ribbon Organization, designated December 16 as the "Belt and Road" International Day, and initiated and promoted the establishment of the International Chinese Language Day (April 20) and the International Day of Tea (May 21). These are all international folk festivals that represent the confidence of Eastern culture, which is conducive to the revival of Eastern literature and art.
