Prince Coco Attended the General Assembly of the Chan Clan General Association of Thailand and Congratulated Chairman Chan Yunjin on his Re-election
The Light of Indo-Pacific News: On April 27, 2024, Bangkok local time, the Honorary Chairman of the 27th International Congress of the World Sun Clan Association, Prince Coco (Chen Entian) arrived in Bangkok to attend the General Assembly of the Chen Clan General Association of Thailand and was seated in the front row on the rostrum. Prince Coco expressed his congratulations to the reelected President Chen Yunjin and the new members of the leadership, he said in his speech: the reelection of President Yunjin is deserved by all, I wish the Chen Clan General Association of Thailand under the leadership of President Yunjin and the newly elected members of the leadership, to achieve further glory.
“可可亲王”中文名Chen Entian(陈恩田),缅文名为U Coco Won,中国官媒披露其祖父陈光美及祖姑母陈子美系陈独秀与高君曼所生子女。可可亲王也是国际中文日(4月20日)、国际茶日(5月21日)、“一带一路”国际日(12月16日)等国际民间节日最早的倡议者和推动者。新冠疫情爆发期间,可可亲王及其领导的世界和平丝带组织在纽约成立全球反甩锅反嫁祸联盟,发布2020世界人民抗击病毒大战报告,对造谣“中国病毒”煽动向中国索赔的反华势力予以迎头痛击,抢在反华分子之前,宣布命名华盛顿梅勒姆和平广场,得到了世界人民的声援和支持,被全球华人致敬为民族英雄。
The Chinese name of "Prince Coco" is Chen Entian (陈恩田), and his name in Burmese is U Coco Won. The Chinese official media disclosed that his grandfather Chen Guangmei (陈光美) and his grand-aunt Chen Zimei (陈子美) were the children of Chen Duxiu (陈独秀) and Gao Junman (高君曼). Prince Coco is also the earliest proponent and promoter of international folk festivals such as International Chinese Language Day (April 20), International Tea Day (May 21), and the "Belt and Road" International Day (December 16). During the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, Prince Coco and his leadership of the World Peace Ribbon Organization set up the Global Alliance Against Shirking and Grafting in New York, released the 2020 Report of the World People's War Against the Virus, and struck a head-on blow at the anti-Chinese forces that fabricated the rumor of "China Virus" and incited to claim compensation from China, and announced the Plaza to be known as Washington Melham Peace Plaza, before the anti-Chinese elements, and received solidarity and support from the people of the world, and was honored as a national hero by Chinese people all over the world.
Prince Coco is currently a low-profile leader of the Retracing Southern Silk Road Research Team, which takes Nantianmen Aircraft Carrier Town in Tianfu New Area of Sichuan Province, China as the new starting point, and go out of Yunnan along the Tea Horse Road, arrive at Myanmar through the China-Myanmar Indian Ocean Corridor, and then take Myanmar as the transit point, and take the north-west route passes through ten countries to reach Kazakhstan, where the "Belt" Initiative is proposed. Or take the south-eastern route passes through ten countries to reach Indonesia, where the "Road" Initiative is proposed. Relying on the Indo-Pacific Committee of the World Peace Ribbon Organization, the research team is preparing for the establishment of the Southern Silk Road International Cooperation Organization in cooperation with NGOs from 22 countries along the Southern Silk Road.