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2024-05-18 12:16:42




The Declaration of South Cooperation was issued:The Research Team of Retracing Southern Silk Road visited the University of International Business and Economics


Southern Silk Road International Cooperation Organization Secretariat News: Recently, Mr.Chen Entian, Chairman of the first to the eighth Committees of World Peace Ribbon organization, Prince Coco, and Aye Thinzar Thu,Chairperson of Myanmar Arts and Culture Association led the Research Team of Retracing Southern Silk Road, as well as Myanmar "Belt and Road" Development Co. Ltd. , Indo-Pacific Tobacco Co. Ltd. and Indo-Pacific Tobacco Co., Ltd. released the "Declaration of South Cooperation " on the NASDAQ Chinese Channel, announcing the creation of the Southern Silk Road International Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone. In order to strengthen the collaboration between universities and cultivate reserve talents, the group visited the University of International Business and Economics and held a friendly meeting with President Zhao Zhongxiu.


Retracing Southern Silk Road takes Nantianmen Aircraft Carrier Town in Tianfu New Area of Sichuan Province, China as the new starting point, and go out of Yunnan along the Tea Horse Road, arrive at Myanmar Prince Coco’s Mansion through the China-Myanmar Indian Ocean Corridor, and then take Myanmar as the transit point, and take the north-west route passes through ten countries to reach Kazakhstan, where the "Belt" Initiative is proposed. Or take the south-eastern route passes through ten countries to reach Indonesia, where the "Road" Initiative is proposed. Relying on the Indo-Pacific Committee of the World Peace Ribbon Organization, the research team is preparing for the establishment of the Southern Silk Road International Cooperation Organization and Southern Silk Road International Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone in cooperation with NGOs from 22 countries along the Southern Silk Road. It will become a "Belt and Road" international economic and trade demonstration zone and a core area for "Belt and Road" international day festivals and cultural activities. Mr. Chen Entian, head of the research team, said in the meeting with Zhao Zhongxiu, president of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), that the construction of the Southern Silk Road Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone is a great and long-term cause, which requires a large number of leaders and professionals, and that we are willing to cooperate with universities along the Belt and Road, such as the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), to cultivate talents.


The University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) is a national key university jointly established by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, and a national "double first-class" construction university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The current president, Mr. Zhao Zhongxiu, is a renowned scholar who has attracted much attention from the international community, an expert in international trade and industrial economics, and an academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. President Zhao Zhongxiu warmly welcomed Mr. Chen Entian and the Research Team of Retracing Southern Silk Road, and the two sides had a pleasant exchange of views on the joint promotion of international economic and trade cooperation on the Southern Silk Road.
