Countdown to the "Belt and Road" International Day: the Origin of the Southern Silk Road
Countdown to the "Belt and Road" International Day,Mr. Chen Entian, Chairman of the Foundation of the Belt and Road International Day of World Peace Ribbon Organization, Prince Coco, is revisiting the Southern Silk Road, arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to pay respects to the CHAN SHE SHU YUEN CLAN ASSOCIATION, KUALA LUMPUR & SELANGOR.
《史记·大宛列传》记载:西汉元朔三年(公元前126),张骞出使大夏(今阿富汗北部),归来后对汉武帝说:“臣在大夏时,见邛竹杖、蜀布。问曰:安得此?大夏国人曰:吾贾人往市之身毒(指印度西北部)。身毒在大夏东南可数千里。……以骞度之,大夏去汉万二千里,居汉西南。今身毒国又居大夏东南数千里,有蜀物,此其去蜀不远矣。”“天子欣然以骞言为然,乃令骞因蜀犍为发间使,四道并出……,皆各行一二千里。其北方闭氐、笮,南方闭嶲、昆明,……终莫得通(身毒国)。然闻其西可千余里,有乘象国,名曰滇越,而蜀贾奸出物者或至焉,于是,汉以求大夏道始通滇国。”这是中文文献中关于南方丝绸之路最早的记载。季羡林说,“至迟在公元前四世纪,中国丝必已输入印度”。成书于公元前的印度古籍《摩诃婆罗多》,也有中国“成捆丝”出现在印度的记录。德国史学家雅各比(H. Jacobi),引证公元前320~前315年印度笈多王朝的史学家考底利耶(Kautilya)的著作说:中国“产丝及纽带,贾人常贩至印度”。从前4世纪算起,至张骞出使大夏,南方丝绸之路已经存在了数百年的时间。
There is a record in the text "Biography of Dawan" in the Historical Records: In the third year of Yuanshuo in the Western Han Dynasty (126 BC), Zhang Qian was sent as an ambassador to Daxia (now northern Afghanistan). After Zhang Qian returned, he said to Emperor Wu of Han:When I was in Daxia, I saw bamboo sticks produced in Qionglai Mountain and cloth produced in Shu .I asked them where they got these things from? The people of Daxia said: Our merchants bought it from the ShenDu Country (northwest India). The ShenDu Country is located about a few thousand miles southeast of Daxia. Based on my estimation of geographical location, Daxia is 12000 miles away from the Han Dynasty, located in the southwest. Now the ShenDu Country is several thousand miles southeast of Daxia, and there are things from Shu, which indicates that the ShenDu Country is probably not far from Shu. The emperor was very pleased and believed that Zhang Qian's words were correct. So he ordered secret envoys to be sent from Shu Commandery and Jianwei Commandery, and the four routes would depart together. They all traveled one or two thousand miles. The envoy heading north was blocked by Di and Yun, while the envoy heading south was blocked by Xi and Kunming.No one has ever been able to pass through. But it is said that there is a country called Dian Yue that rides elephants about a thousand miles west of Kunming, and some merchants from Shu County have illegally trafficked goods there.So the Han Dynasty established contact with DianYue by exploring the road to Daxia. This is the earliest record of the Southern Silk Road in Chinese literature. Ji Xianlin said, 'Chinese silk must have been imported into India no later than the 4th century BC.'. The ancient Indian book "Mahabharata" completed in BC also has records of Chinese "bundles of silk" appearing in India. German historian H. Jacobi cited the works of Kautilya, a historian of the Indian Gupta dynasty who lived from 320 BC to 315 BC : “China produces silk and ties, and Jia people often sell them to India”. From the 4th century BC until Zhang Qian's visit to Daxia, the Southern Silk Road had existed for hundreds of years.