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发布时间:2024-05-31 12:16:04


Southern Silk Road Cooperative Organization congratulates the fourth anniversary of the naming of the Melham Peace Plaza in Washington, D.C.


Melham Peace Plaza in Washington, D.C.


NASDAQ Chinese Channel 1216 International Radio, New York Secretariat of the World Peace Ribbon Organization, on the fourth anniversary of the naming of the Melham Peace Plaza in Washington, D.C., on May 29, 2024, Southern Silk Road International Cooperation sent a letter of congratulations praising the Melham Peace Plaza as a monument of peace and justice in the U.S. This monument shows the world that the majority of the American people are good citizens of the Earth who are just and kind, who defy evil and seek peace.


Four years ago, on the occasion of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers (May 29, 2020), the relevant departments of the International Seven-Three Society, the world's biggest society, as well as the Global Coalition Against Dumping and Grafting intercepted relevant information, saying that the international unscrupulous forces were attempting to collude with the anti-Chinese forces, and were conspiring to name the plaza outside the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. as the "Li Mouliang Square", in order to attack China's political system. Patriotic Chinese diaspora took active action to strongly condemn and firmly protest against the shameful behavior of anti-Chinese forces.


Mr. Chen Entian, the Chief Goodwill Ambassador of the World Peace Ribbon Organization, Chairman of the Global Anti-Dumping and Anti-Grafting Coalition, and honored as "Prince Coco" by the international community, led the patriotic Chinese diaspora to hold a naming event before the anti-Chinese forces acted, announcing that the plaza outside the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. will be named as the Melham Peace Plaza. This is to praise the American anti-epidemic hero - Mr. Michael Melham, and completely crush the conspiracy and trickery of international anti-Chinese forces and undesirable forces to use "Li Mouliang Plaza" to discredit China and attack China.


patriotic Chinese "Prince Coco" Mr. Chen Entian and international friends

美国华盛顿“梅勒姆和平广场”命名源于美国新泽西州贝尔维尔市市长迈克尔. 梅勒姆先生。作为美国市长,为反对特朗普等人甩锅嫁祸,他通过检测自身抗体向世界证明,病毒在武汉爆发以前,早已在美国爆发了,并且揭露了国际医疗诈骗团伙及其代理人将美国冠状病毒流感包装炒作成新冠病毒进行恐吓诈骗的丑恶嘴脸。陈恩田表示,梅勒姆先生是一位伟大而勇敢的美国英雄,他不畏暗黑势力,揭露事实真相,他的英雄壮举将为反甩锅反嫁祸、减少国际争端、促进世界和平、增进中美两国人民友谊产生积极而伟大的作用。

The name "Melham Peace Plaza" in Washington, D.C., was named after Mr. Michael Melham, Mayor of Belleville, New Jersey, USA. As a Mayor, in order to oppose the Trump and others to dump the blame, he proved to the world by testing his own antibodies that the virus had broken out in the United States long before it broke out in Wuhan, and exposed the ugly face of the international medical fraud gangs and their agents who packaged and hyped the U.S. Coronavirus influenza as the new Coronavirus to intimidate and defraud. Chen Entian said that Mr. Melham is a great and brave American hero who defied the dark forces and exposed the truth, and that his heroic feat will have a positive and great effect on the anti-dumping and anti-grafting, reduction of international disputes, promotion of world peace, and enhancement of the friendship between the people of China and the United States.


Melham Peace Plaza is located in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., and was proposed to be named by the Foundation of World Peace Ribbon Organization and NASDAQ Chinese Channel. 2024 May 29th is the International Day of UN Peacekeepers established by the United Nations, and the Foundation of World Peace Ribbon Organization is holding a global network of commemorative events. According to world news media reports, the naming of the "Melham Peace Plaza" is a painful blow to some of the U.S. shirkers, and shows the world that the majority of U.S. people are upright and kind, and pursue peace, but only a few people in the international community under the banner of democracy and freedom, kidnap the U.S. government, exercise dictatorial power and undermine world peace.


Michael Melham, Mayor of Belleville, New Jersey, USA

世界和平丝带组织第一届至第八届委员会主席陈恩田表示:华盛顿“梅勒姆和平广场”的成功命名是在善良的美国人民见证和支持下进行的,我们永远不会忘记那个真正的抗疫英雄迈克尔. 梅勒姆先生,他为中美及世界和平作出了重大贡献,他永远是我们学习的榜样。

Mr. Chen Entian, Chairman of the First to Eighth Committees of the World Peace Ribbon Organization, said, "The successful naming of the "Melham Peace Plaza" in Washington, D.C. was witnessed and supported by the kind-hearted people of the United States. We will never forget the true hero of the fight against the epidemic, Mr. Michael Melham, who made great contributions to peace in China, the United States and the world, and who will always be a role model for us to follow.