October 23, 2024, 53 days before the Belt and Road International Day (December 16). SSCO (Singapore) Management Pte Ltd News: In order to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Chinese leader President Xi Jinping's visit to the Southern Silk Road, the Southern Silk Road International Cooperation Committee (SSCO) of the World Peace Ribbon Organization (WPRO) will be planning and organizing major events in countries along the Southern Silk Road.
From January 17 to January 20, 2020, Chinese leader President Xi Jinping visited Myanmar, an important country on the Southern Silk Road, and visited many places along the China-Myanmar border and the Southern Silk Road. And then back to China along the Southern Silk Road. Passing through Tengchong and Kunming, while in the ancient town of Heshun, President Xi Jinping learned in detail about the ancient Silk Road, historical and cultural inheritance, and ecological and environmental protection.
January 17, 2023, on the third anniversary of President Xi Jinping's visit to the Southern Silk Road, Chen En Tian, Chairman of the First to Eighth Committees of WPRO, Chairman of the Foundation of the Belt and Road International Day of WPRO, and honored by the international community as Prince Coco, visited Myanmar. After argumentation and analysis, he put forward the idea of creating the Southern Silk Road International Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone and the Southern Cooperative Economic Corridor.
WPRO established the Southern Silk Road International Cooperation Committee(SSCO), retracing the 22 countries along the Southern Silk Road. The new route starts from China, takes Myanmar as a hub, then takes the northwest route through ten countries to Kazakhstan, the place where the “Belt” Initiative was proposed, and takes the southeast route through ten countries to Indonesia, the place where the “Road” Initiative was proposed.