印太烟草有限公司通过军赋科技在中国获得烟草商标PEACE GRASS
Indo-pacific Tobacco Company Limited obtained the tobacco trademark PEACE GRASS in China through Junfu Technology

(Southeast Asia Headquarters of Indo-Pacific Tobacco Company Limited)
印太之光消息,新加坡当地时间2023年2月13日,印太烟草有限公司透露,公司通过军赋科技有限公司已经在中国获得烟草商标PEACE GRASS(匹斯咖西),中文意思是“和平草”。有关人士通过中国国家知识产权局(商标局)官网查询,证实了这个消息,商标生效期为2024年1月21日。
According to the Light of Indo-pacific, on February 13, 2023, Singapore local time, Indo-Pacific Tobacco Co., Ltd. revealed that the company has obtained the tobacco trademark PEACE GRASS(Piscaxi) in China through Junfu Technology Co., Ltd. The official website of Trademark Office Of China National Intellectual Property Administration shows that the trademark is valid from January 21, 2024.
印太烟草有限公司是首批列入“一带一路”国际民间合作项目库的国际重点企业,该公司经过多年的潜心试验研发,成功推出新型烟草“PEACE GRASS”系列,在国际上属于无害或低害香烟。印太烟草有限公司将立足南方丝绸之路沿线国家,辐射印太地区,形成种植、加工、销售全链条,把项目发展成为“一带一路”沿线国家的惠农扶贫项目。
Indo-pacific Tobacco Co., Ltd. is one of the first international key enterprises listed in the "Belt and Road" international non-governmental cooperation project database. After years of dedicated research and development, the company successfully launched a new tobacco "PEACE GRASS" series, which belongs to harmless or low-harm cigarettes in the world. Indo-pacific Tobacco Co., Ltd. will be based on the countries along the Southern Silk Road, radiate the Indo-Pacific region, form a whole chain of planting, processing and sales, and develop the project into a project of benefiting farmers and poverty alleviation in countries along the "Belt and Road".
Chen Entian, the Chief Goodwill Ambassador of the "Belt and Road" International Day, Chairman of the 1st to 8th Committees of the World Peace Ribbon Organization, and honored by the international community as the "Prince Coco", congratulated Indo-Pacific Tobacco Co., LTD. Previously, Indo-Pacific Tobacco Co., Ltd. has obtained a registered trademark in Southeast Asian countries, and Indo-Pacific Tobacco Co., Ltd. has obtained a trademark in China through JunFu technology Co., Ltd., marking the company into a stage of rapid development.